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Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Live Life Now: I'm Back.....

Wow....it's been a year since I've really blogged and I'm so excited to start sharing inspiration and motivation once again.  I took close to a year off and dealt with some personal things and really allowed God to redirect my life.  It has been an amazing journey because I've seen "Me" at my best and at my worst. 

Sometimes we have to take a step back and regroup.  We can get so caught-up into being who others want or expect us to be until we lose sight of who God has predestined us to be.  I encourage you to take some time with yourself and examine your heart.  Check the pulse of your purpose and make sure you're living, not merely existing but living. 

This is a new year with new opportunities and new doors waiting for you to walk through them.  Don't limit yourself, don't minimize your God and don't give anyone control over your destiny.  If there are people in your life who are not adding to your life then they are taking away from it.  It's time out for dragging those who refuse to rise up and live.  The load can get heavy when we have excess baggage.  This may be the time to throw some stuff over board.  Make your load lighter and decide to live in peace.  This is your time, take control!

Live Life Now!

The Purpose Coach