This is the 2nd day of my 30 day journey and I'm de-cluttering and repositioning myself to hear God clearly. The thoughts that can so easily overcrowd your mind and cause you to worry about things you can't change, will keep you bound by what-ifs and maybes. Today I've decided to just
"Be Here". Not concerned about tomorrow or next week or next month, but I just want to Be Here. I'm taking advantage of this moment right now that God has allowed me to experience. I'm enjoying this time alone with Him as I find out some things about "me" that I don't know, don't want to know and/or just don't want to confront. You know, we all have those things that we run from, but today I'm running to them. I'm ready to meet them face to face so I can really and truly enjoy a life of FREEDOM and PEACE.
There are times when we need to still away and get in a quiet place. No phones, no emails, no facebook or twitter, just some quality quiet time alone. We run and run and run, always running after something, but never finding it. I've realized that I've been running after something for so long, I almost forgot what it was that I was running after. At some point, we must stop running because many times we've passed our destination and didn't know it. Many times we've passed the detour sign and didn't see it. Many times we've run through road blocks because we saw it as the devil, when it was really God saying STOP! When we're serious about God's will, we'll see every "natural obstacle" as a "spiritual door" being opened that will lead us directly into His will. It may not be lining up according to your 3-5 year written plan or your strategic goals that you set, but that's why the bible says, His ways are not our ways and His thoughts are not our thoughts. See, many are the plans of a man's heart but it's the will of God that will prevail. When you finally decide to STOP, God will GO. He's not going to keep fighting you to bless you. He's not going to keep bumping heads with you to give you what He wants you to have. He's waiting on you to STOP and go into a quiet place so you can hear.
Remember, for many of us this is HALF-TIME. It's time to re-think some things, rearrange some things, revise some things, replant some things and redo some things. But, it's also time to cut down some things, root-up some things, cast-down some things, cast-out some things and renounce some things. The "Quiet Place" is a place of rest, peace, serenity and calmness. Leaving the rat-race of everyday life and the hectic, overwhelming place of frustration, making a conscious decision to breath in and exhale deadlines, no appointments, no needy people, no must-haves, gotta haves and need to haves. Not allowing anyone, to make their urgency your emergency. Just resting in a Quiet Place. It's amazing when you just sit still and listen to the wind blowing, birds chirping, dogs barking and cats meowing. There's nothing like a Quiet Place.
Rediscover "you" by spending time with "you". I'm finally realizing that I'm not too bad. I'm a pretty cool young lady who loves life, but just haven't allowed myself to Live It! Well, that time is now. It's good to finally just Be Here.............
A journey of self-discovery reveals all of the inner secrets of the heart, releases you from the pressure of measuring up and opens your heart to greater possibilities. A Quiet Place...
The Purpose Coach
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DeleteI'm reaching out to my former followers just to let them know that I'm BACK! I'm refreshed and ready to help others Live Life Now!
The Purpose Coach
This is nice!!