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Monday, September 26, 2011

Limp Your Way to Your Blessing

I am so charged right now.  I woke up a little slothful and was dragging a little bit.  All of a sudden the Holy Spirit hit me real hard.  In essence, He reminded me that PROCESS leads to PROGRESS, but only when there's movement.  You may be in a process but progress is on the other side when you move towards it.  Some of you may be like me right now, stupidity just gets on my nerves.  People trying to create problems just to see your response, doing and saying things just to see if they'll get a roar out of you.  Well, I came to serve notice on the devil today, you can HUFF and you can PUFF but you will not stop my PROGRESS! 

If you remember, Jacob was preparing to go meet his brother Esau when he found himself alone with God.  At this point,  Jacob couldn't run or hide, he had to deal with what had dealt with him for years...HIMSELF.  The bible says that a man wrestled with Jacob. When he realized that he couldn't over power Jacob he touched his hip socket, dislocated his hip which caused Jacob to limp.  The man yelled for Jacob to let him go, but Jacob said, "I'm not going to let you go until you bless me".  The man then asked, "What is your name"?  When Jacob replied, the man said, "your name will no longer be called Jacob, but Israel, because you have struggled with God and man and have won (overcome)".

Many of you have been wrestling with issues of life.  Many things have dislocated your hip: divorce, loss of loved-one, sickness & disease, lay-off, repossessions, foreclosures, rebellious kids, backstabbing friends, cheating spouse and many other issues of life.  I woke-up just to tell you to "LIMP YOUR WAY TO YOUR BLESSING".  I know it hurts, I know this process is tedious and overwhelming and it seems like it's about to take you out, but DON'T LET GO UNTIL GOD BLESSES YOU!  This isn't the enemy, it's God!  He needed to get you out of your comfort zone, get some people from around you and out of your ear, in order to change your life.  Jacob's name went from meaning "trickster" to " triumphant in battle".  God caused a victory before the confrontation!  A change took place in Jacob before he had to confront his brother Esau. See, God wasn't concerned about Jacob's condition, He focused on YOUR condition.  Jacob had to go through his process because from his descendants a child would be born and they would call him Immanuel, they would name him JESUS!  God already knew that you would be in a tight-place right now.  He already knew that some of you would be contemplating suicide, wanting to just pick-up and leave everything and everyone behind.  He already knew that you would need a Savior.  He knew that you would make some bad choices and need forgiveness.  He knew that you would one day come to this place, where you have no answers, nothing else left to give, nothing else left to try and nothing else left to say.  He gave you what you needed before you knew you needed it.........Jesus!

God is changing your name from Victim to Victor, DEBT to Debt-FREE, Sickness to HEALED, Borrower to LENDER! Don't stop fighting, don't stop praying, don't stop pushing, LIMP YOUR WAY TO YOUR BLESSING! Let them keep talking about you, lying on you, spreading gossip & rumors, scheming & plotting against you, trying to break you, trying to get you to respond.....Don't Let Go until God Blesses You Right in Their Faces!  He has already promised to prepare a table before you in the presence of your enemies. 

I don't know about you but I'm so charged right now I can run through troops and leap over walls.  I'm fully confident that where I am is not where I'll be tomorrow.  God can SHIFT your life overnight!  Stop trying to defend yourself.  Stop trying to make people love you or even life you.  Stop trying to prove something to people who really don't care anyway.  This is your set-up for your come-back and this time will be far greater than the first time!


The Purpose Coach

**Coach is looking for testimonies, comments and victory reports.  If you don't want to leave a comment on the blog site email me at: igot2survive@aol.com.  I want to celebrate with you as God manifests His promises in your life.


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1 comment:

  1. I read these and everytime its wht I need thank you the battle isn't over but then again it was never mines to begin with! Thanks Coach
