I took today off to be with my sister who is having surgery. Right now I'm home watching television until it's time for me to start getting dressed. Listening to guests on the TD Jakes show talk about living their dreams and doing what they love, I realized something about myself. I'm intimidated and didn't realize it until now...
I've always been self-motivated but after giving my life to Christ I became so entrenched in the power of God's Word and believing in His promises. I believe that God wants us to live a prosperous life and the last 20 years of my life has been about running after the promises and wanting to live the God best life. Over the years, my passion for success became my enemy. When I heard God speak I moved. Many times I didn't wait to get clear instruction I just moved. I believed, I received and I wanted to see the manifestation immediately. I've had much success but I've experienced much failure as well. I have people reaching out to me daily for encouragement, guidance, and counsel because they can see what I've accomplished, they can see my passion, but they can't see my pain. What looks successful on the outside isn't always that on the inside.
After being laid-off from my job in 2011, my life has been on a see-saw, going up and down, up and down, up and down. I'm now in a profession that I like, but I don't love. Deep down I know that I'm destined for greatness, but for some reason I feel stuck. I'm just realizing that I'm allowing myself to be stuck because I'm intimidated by people who appear to be successful in what I know I'm called to do. I've allowed that to happen because I compare myself without recognizing it and I feel like I don't measure up because I'm different. I love speaking, training and coaching. I know I'm called to do just that but my delivery is different, my style is different, my thought-process is different and I've looked at that as a negative instead of a positive. I don't have to have the glamour but I love glamour. I don't have to have the fan-fare but I love attention. So, when I see others doing what I do but at a higher level I begin to feel like I'm not good enough. Today, I clearly understand that I have to move forward in my fear!
I am enough! I am enough! I am enough! I have to keep telling myself that because when I think of the people who I thought would support me, push me, help me, but instead tried to block me, it frustrates me. It took me a long time to get delivered from the anger, unforgiveness and the offense that I held on to for years.
I want you to know that it's ok to feel what you feel just don't live there. You can't base the effectiveness of your gift on the functioning of someone else's. I can glean from women who do what I do, but I can't mimic those women. I have to be me! You have to be you! I now understand that I don't need a new me, I just need to be the real me.
Go into 2017 with a new mindset. Change the way you think about YOU! Don't compare yourself to others, don't speak negatively about yourself, and don't doubt the value of what you're carrying. Do what's in your heart to do. Surround yourself with people who believe in you and want to see you succeed. I just wanted you to know, You Are Enough!
The Purpose Coach
Author, Speaker, Coach
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