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Friday, December 20, 2013

Can You Really Be Sure?

As I sit and ponder the life I'm living and the life I desire to live, I can't help but dissect the word Faith. I know that faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen. I also understand that when faith is involved common sense is out the door. But, does the absence of common sense mean faith is present or is there a hint of desperation that seeks to find anything that may resemble purpose?

My passion for writing, helping people, encouraging and motivating others, continues to push me to seek those things desired, but even more, those things promised. God has promised me many 
blessings and many open doors. Not one day goes by that I don't question if I'll ever walk in those promises. It's not because I don't believe or have faith, but I wonder if I'm running after God's purpose or settling for crumbs. 

There was a time when I was sure about where I was going. I was determined to live life with no regrets, but the thing I feared the most has come upon me. Lately, I have found myself regretting some decisions that I have made in life. I sometimes feel like fear stops me from really stepping out in faith. My biggest fear is hearing the words "I told you so". I realize now that I've made some people's opinions more important than they should be. I keep going back to the question, "Can you really be sure"?

At the end of the day, being sure is simply having faith that what you believe is sure. I do believe that what God promised he will bing it to pass. I do believe that I will experience the manifestation of every promise God made me. This really isn't about being sure, it's about being steadfast and unmovable, on fire for God and determined to pursue purpose with everything on the inside of you.

No more dwelling on what I had or what I did. It's time to focus on where I'm going and what God has in store for me. So, what about you?  Are you sure?  Have you lost your zeal, your fire, and your passion? Time doesn't wait on anyone. You can't slow down now.  It's time to finish what you started!

So, to answer my own question, YES.........yes,  you can be sure that what God promised he will bring it to pass. It's in the Word.

Live Life Now,

The Purpose Coach

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Unfamiliar Doors

When you're forced out of your comfort zone into an unfamiliar place, it's scary.  It's scary because you are looking at people and things that you have no connection to and everything you know seems irrelevant because of where you are.  At this point, you can't see purpose, you don't know why you're there, and you're feeling lost and stuck.

Finding myself in this place was a frightening experience. I couldn't understand why God allowed what I was comfortable with to be snatched away.  At first I thought I was being punished or I did something wrong.  I just couldn't understand it.  Now, I'm beginning to understand that in order to get my life to the next level, I had to be forced from stage 1 to stage 2.  I couldn't maximize my full potential at stage 1 because I had already mastered that level.  It was time to move on and my flesh didn't want to go through that process.  See when you're starting a new level in life, you have to figure out how to maneuver through the ups and downs, the road blocks, the detour signs, the potholes and even the road workers who have been assigned to distract you.  You have to die a few times before you learn where not to step, who not to trust and what not to do.  So, starting a new level can be painful but it's necessary.

Don't make a permanent decision in a temporary situation.  Just because it doesn't look like what you saw in stage 1 doesn't mean it's not part of the plan.  The doors that God will open will be unfamiliar doors.  They won't be shaped the same, won't have the same color and some may not even look like a door.  Ultimately, you're going to have to change the way you think because stage 2 will require you to think outside of the box.  This stage will require collaboration and partnerships.  You will meet people who don't look like you, sound like you or even dress like you.  Your job is to recognize when God is sending a divine connection into your life.  Nothing happens the way we think it should because our minds are so finite.  We can only think so far ahead, but God has already set the stage, organized the event and put the plan in place.  It's not your responsibility to know "how" - "why"  or "when",  you just need to be ready when the door opens. 

This is the season of unfamiliar doors.  Stop looking for what you saw yesterday, today is a NEW day.  SHIFT your mindset, SHIFT your thinking, SHIFT your relationships, and prepare to walk through UNFAMILIAR DOORS!

Live Life Now,

The Purpose Coach

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Is It God's Will?

What do you do when the dream you've been trying to keep alive is the one God is trying to kill?  Yeah....it stumped me when I heard it too.  I mean, you put your all into something only to find out that it's not God's perfect will for your life.  I've learned over the years that there's a difference between God's perfect will and his permissive will.  Sometimes we operate outside of His perfect will unknowingly. We can get to a point where we really feel like what we're doing is God's will for our lives, because it appears to be working.  Everything appears to be going well and you seem to be prospering, so what's the problem?  Well, it could very well be His will... just not his perfect will. 

God gives us the right to "choose".  We make a conscious decision daily as to what we will or will not do.  Often times we do good things that help & encourage people and even show the love of God, but just because it's good doesn't mean it's God!  We can find ourselves in this position when we start depending on and trusting our flesh.  Whenever we slack on seeking the face of God and listening to divine instructions, we slip away into a deep hole of false humility that makes us feel like we're to good things so we have to be in the perfect will God.  Sadly, that's not true and it's a tough spot to find yourself.  It's great to do good things for people but don't miss out on purpose because you want to do good.  You can continue to do good in PURPOSE!

It's time to break-out of the mode of relying on our flesh & good heart and really start seeking God for divine instructions and clear directions.  I don't know about you but I'm tired of good, I want God!   When you choose God, you're choosing His absolute best for your life! 

Always choose God.

Walk in Love, Stay in Faith,

Pastor Y.P.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Purpose Time!

Well, school is out and I'm feeling that drive again.  I know when I'm in my lane because I can't stop writing, can't stop reading and I'm eager to share ideas......I'm there!

This is the perfect time to regroup, rethink, revise and redo.  Now, is the time to start checking things off that "To Do" list and see purpose begin to manifest.  If you sit around and wait for it to come to you then it will never happen.  Dreams aren't just meant to be motivational but they should propel you, push you, accelerate your desire to live the life you dream about. 

Sometimes the road gets rough, bumpy and you can even fall into a few potholes but there is always a way out.  It may take a while and that journey may seem endless and you may even get tired and hopeless during that journey, but when you finally start seeing lights, buildings and people, you know you're almost there.  I just want you to know today that you're almost there.  You've made it through the toughest times.  You've stood the test of all tests.  You've plowed through the fields filled with weeds, bugs, rotten fruit and fruit that never reached it's maximum potential.  You watched the buzzards come and eat what you worked so hard for and now you think it's over.  I have news for you, It's just beginning! 

When you show God that your faith is strong even when your flesh is weak and your hope is in the fact that he made you a promise and you know he can't lie.........he will move mountains for you.  He will make your enemy your foot-stool, he'll prepare a table before you in the presence of your enemies, he'll breath new life into what you and others thought was dead.  You're right where he wants you.  Now that you're at a place where you can't fix it, you can't change it, you can't make it right, God can show up and give you what he's been trying to give you all the time. 

See, I had my own preconceived notions about how God was going to manifest what he promised me.  I had my own vision as to how his purpose would be manifested in my life.  Needless to say, it's NOT happening like I thought it would.  As a matter of fact, I never dreamed he would take me this route.  I can't even say I like the route, but I do know that ALL things work together for the good for those who love the Lord and are called according to his purpose.  I do know that he said he'll bring me to my expected end.  So, it doesn't matter what it looks like or what path God decides will lead me to my Purpose Destination, I'm ALL In!

My friends, It's Purpose Time!  Go with God.  Don't be moved by how it looks or feels, if you trust that God is in control and he wishes above all things that you prosper and be in health, even as your soul prospers, then you can rest in his promises. 

Stay focused and keep it moving.  It's time to receive the harvest on every seed you've sown.  This means every tear you've cried, every hour you've worked, everything you've given up & everything and everyone that you've lost in the process.  It's now time to REAP!

I'm feeling Purpose all over me, what about you?

The Purpose Coach

Re-branding in Progress:
New website and New logo Coming Soon.......

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Live Life Now: I'm Back.....

Wow....it's been a year since I've really blogged and I'm so excited to start sharing inspiration and motivation once again.  I took close to a year off and dealt with some personal things and really allowed God to redirect my life.  It has been an amazing journey because I've seen "Me" at my best and at my worst. 

Sometimes we have to take a step back and regroup.  We can get so caught-up into being who others want or expect us to be until we lose sight of who God has predestined us to be.  I encourage you to take some time with yourself and examine your heart.  Check the pulse of your purpose and make sure you're living, not merely existing but living. 

This is a new year with new opportunities and new doors waiting for you to walk through them.  Don't limit yourself, don't minimize your God and don't give anyone control over your destiny.  If there are people in your life who are not adding to your life then they are taking away from it.  It's time out for dragging those who refuse to rise up and live.  The load can get heavy when we have excess baggage.  This may be the time to throw some stuff over board.  Make your load lighter and decide to live in peace.  This is your time, take control!

Live Life Now!

The Purpose Coach