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Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Purpose Time!

Well, school is out and I'm feeling that drive again.  I know when I'm in my lane because I can't stop writing, can't stop reading and I'm eager to share ideas......I'm there!

This is the perfect time to regroup, rethink, revise and redo.  Now, is the time to start checking things off that "To Do" list and see purpose begin to manifest.  If you sit around and wait for it to come to you then it will never happen.  Dreams aren't just meant to be motivational but they should propel you, push you, accelerate your desire to live the life you dream about. 

Sometimes the road gets rough, bumpy and you can even fall into a few potholes but there is always a way out.  It may take a while and that journey may seem endless and you may even get tired and hopeless during that journey, but when you finally start seeing lights, buildings and people, you know you're almost there.  I just want you to know today that you're almost there.  You've made it through the toughest times.  You've stood the test of all tests.  You've plowed through the fields filled with weeds, bugs, rotten fruit and fruit that never reached it's maximum potential.  You watched the buzzards come and eat what you worked so hard for and now you think it's over.  I have news for you, It's just beginning! 

When you show God that your faith is strong even when your flesh is weak and your hope is in the fact that he made you a promise and you know he can't lie.........he will move mountains for you.  He will make your enemy your foot-stool, he'll prepare a table before you in the presence of your enemies, he'll breath new life into what you and others thought was dead.  You're right where he wants you.  Now that you're at a place where you can't fix it, you can't change it, you can't make it right, God can show up and give you what he's been trying to give you all the time. 

See, I had my own preconceived notions about how God was going to manifest what he promised me.  I had my own vision as to how his purpose would be manifested in my life.  Needless to say, it's NOT happening like I thought it would.  As a matter of fact, I never dreamed he would take me this route.  I can't even say I like the route, but I do know that ALL things work together for the good for those who love the Lord and are called according to his purpose.  I do know that he said he'll bring me to my expected end.  So, it doesn't matter what it looks like or what path God decides will lead me to my Purpose Destination, I'm ALL In!

My friends, It's Purpose Time!  Go with God.  Don't be moved by how it looks or feels, if you trust that God is in control and he wishes above all things that you prosper and be in health, even as your soul prospers, then you can rest in his promises. 

Stay focused and keep it moving.  It's time to receive the harvest on every seed you've sown.  This means every tear you've cried, every hour you've worked, everything you've given up & everything and everyone that you've lost in the process.  It's now time to REAP!

I'm feeling Purpose all over me, what about you?

The Purpose Coach

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