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Sunday, July 21, 2013

Is It God's Will?

What do you do when the dream you've been trying to keep alive is the one God is trying to kill?  Yeah....it stumped me when I heard it too.  I mean, you put your all into something only to find out that it's not God's perfect will for your life.  I've learned over the years that there's a difference between God's perfect will and his permissive will.  Sometimes we operate outside of His perfect will unknowingly. We can get to a point where we really feel like what we're doing is God's will for our lives, because it appears to be working.  Everything appears to be going well and you seem to be prospering, so what's the problem?  Well, it could very well be His will... just not his perfect will. 

God gives us the right to "choose".  We make a conscious decision daily as to what we will or will not do.  Often times we do good things that help & encourage people and even show the love of God, but just because it's good doesn't mean it's God!  We can find ourselves in this position when we start depending on and trusting our flesh.  Whenever we slack on seeking the face of God and listening to divine instructions, we slip away into a deep hole of false humility that makes us feel like we're to good things so we have to be in the perfect will God.  Sadly, that's not true and it's a tough spot to find yourself.  It's great to do good things for people but don't miss out on purpose because you want to do good.  You can continue to do good in PURPOSE!

It's time to break-out of the mode of relying on our flesh & good heart and really start seeking God for divine instructions and clear directions.  I don't know about you but I'm tired of good, I want God!   When you choose God, you're choosing His absolute best for your life! 

Always choose God.

Walk in Love, Stay in Faith,

Pastor Y.P.

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