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Thursday, November 10, 2011

It's All in His Timing!

I know I'm not the only one who has ever felt like God forgot about them.  I know I'm not the only one who has ever thought to themselves, "Is it ever going to happen"?  I know I'm not the only one who has been in a state of being "tired" of waiting and then really wandering what you're waiting on.  It's almost like your life gets stuck in a time warp and everything and everybody is moving but you, so you think.  You start feeling like you've wasted your time, life is passing you by, you haven't really accomplished anything, you pretend to be happy when you're not, pretended to care when you didn't, pretended to be excited when you weren't and found yourself just going through the motions. Does any of that sounds like you? 

The last three months have been such a learning experience for me.  When I was laid-off, I knew God was setting me up for something big, but it has been the "in-between" that sometimes made me wander whether or not I really believed it was God.  Well, as I sit here and take a glance back over the last few years, I can plainly see the set-up.  The times people rejected me, didn't support me, tried to use me, didn't really care about me, tried to hinder me, tried to frustrate my purpose, lied on me, stretched the truth into a lie, served as the source the create suspicion about me, never returned calls, never returned emails, only showed-up when they needed something from me, talked about me behind my back, tried to get others to dislike me and boy the list goes on and one and on...........................

But, I also see the times when God stopped relationships from forming because He knew they would be toxic, broke-up relationships because they were toxic, allowed doors of destruction to close in my face because I thought they were doors of opportunity, allowed people to disregard me as insignificant because my trust was in them instead of Him, allowed businesses, programs and/or ideas to not fully bloom because they were Good but not God!

Once we come to the full understanding of the TRUTH that it's the will of God for us to prosper and be in health, even as our souls prospers.....that God knows the thoughts that He has towards us, thoughts of good and not evil, to bring us to an expected end..... that if He promised it, He'll bring it to pass.... that to everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under heaven!  Not Now doesn't mean Not Never....Not Today doesn't mean Not Tomorrow....Not This doesn't mean Not That.....Not This One doesn't mean Not Someone....Not Atlanta doesn't mean Not Here!  God is trying to get us to a place called "trust".  Whenever we arrive at the destination called TRUST, there we will find, comfort, peace and an assurance in His Word.  It's at that place where we let go of the steering wheel of our purpose and allow God to create the path in which He wants us to follow.  The problem is, we've created our own plan based on how things normally operate in the world, not understanding that God's purpose follows Kingdom Principles NOT Worldly Rules!  See, we try to follow the world's rule about "it's who you know" instead of the Kingdom's Principle of It's Who Knows YOU!  Didn't the bible say that before you were conceived in your mother's womb God knew you?  We try to get in with the man who has power, instead of getting in with the God who has ALL Power!  God knows your heart's desire, your dreams, your goals, your 5-10 year plan and all the particulars.  Believe me, He will take all of that into consideration, but ultimately you will have to get to the point where it's "God, not my will but your will be done".

Man is limited in his ability but the bible says that those who do know their God shall be strong and do GREAT exploits!  Don't be moved by the ticking of the clock, get in-tune with the Spirit of God and watch the Hand of God move. Whether it's moving like YOU want it or not, if you enter into the place called "TRUST" either way it moves you know it's God!


The Purpose Coach

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