The game of life brings challenges, ups & downs, pain and frustration. Unfortunately, most of us never experience the other side of life. This side brings love, joy, peace, happiness, balance, contentment, satisfaction and an appreciation for LIFE itself.
I'm just realizing that during the first half of my life I focused on the challenges more than the contentment. I spent to much time trying to prove myself to people who really could care less. It's almost like sitting on the bench during the game and watching everyone else score points and get rebounds while you only dream about what you could do, if only you were given a chance. sit on the bench in your own game of life simply means that you're allowing someone else to run the plays, call the shots and determine who the players will be, in your own life. But now, the clock is winding down... 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 bzzzzzzz, IT'S HALF-TIME!
We all know that half-time is when the players go to the locker-room, regroup, assess the first-half, see what worked and what didn't and make the adjustments. Half-Time is the team's opportunity to find a way to win, because it's there LAST CHANCE! It's all about making the adjustment. I'm now at half-time in my life, gearing up for the 2nd half of the game. I've changed strategies, players and coaches. I'm calling the plays now and no ball hogs are allowed on my team. There are three important people on my team: the point-guard, center and power-forward. I have the Holy Ghost at Point-Guard, God at Center and Jesus at Power-Forward. My husband and I are the other two players and we're just going to follow the lead of the Point-Guard. I'm no longer listening to the side-line coaches who always know what's best for your life, but their lives are jacked-up. I'm no longer listening to teammates who only want to use you, to make them look good or achieve their goals. I'm no longer listening to the fans who only cheer when you score, but talk about you like a dog when throw the ball away, foul or get called for a 3-second violation just because you were trying to make sure you heard God before you moved. This part of my life is called OVER! It's time to make some ADJUSTMENTS.
This second half is MY half. I'm not going to be convinced that God doesn't want my family blessed. I'm not going to be convinced that just because it's not what you want, it's not what God wants. I'm not going to be convinced that I've done something wrong so that's why I'm not experiencing the fullness of God. I'm not going to be convinced that there is a difference between my agenda and God's agenda, for my life. We're on the same team. I've relinquished control to the THREE dominating factors in my life. I have a relationship with my new teammates and I can hear clearly when a play is called. So, the scrimmage is over and it's time for the real game to start. I'm suited-up and ready to go. No Distractions Allowed!
Everything that I did in the first-half just because it was a good thing to do, will not be repeated in the second-half. If the Holy Ghost don't call the play, no play will be ran. I'm not hanging out after the games or attending any house parties. I'm not spending my time dealing with the issues of my opponents while my life deteriorate minute by minute. I understand now that if I don't keep my eyes on the ball, the enemy can come in and steal it. If I don't protect my "purpose" my "dream" my "destiny", the enemy will sneak-up behind me and steal it. My eyes are fixed and my mind is made -up. This half will be the best half and I'm coming out with a Win!
I almost get upset when I think about the time and energy that I wasted on people who could care less about me as a person. They were only concerned with what I could do for them. But I thank God for his wisdom and an ear to hear. Don't be fooled, know when you're out of the game and only being called in when they need you to take a charge, commit a foul or just give the other person a lil rest. Ain't no way in heck I'm going to be a sub in my own game. The devil must be on crack. Don't confuse being USED with being SIGNIFICANT, I did it for years and it's yielded me NOTHING but several trips to the doctor. TODAY, it's over! I have nothing else left to give.
If you're ready to experience the other side of life, you must change some plays and some players. I'm determined to make it to the FINALS. This Championship belongs to ME!
The whistle is being blown. Let's come out ready to play hard, stay focused and RUN THE PLAY! Victory on the count of three, 1 -2 -3 VICTORY!
The Purpose Coach
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