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Wednesday, October 12, 2011

There's No Failure in God.........

It's becoming more apparent to me that people will treat you like you demand to be treated, not like you want to be treated.  You can want a million dollars but if you're not placing a demand on it by doing what it takes to get it, it's only a want!  That's the status it will keep unless you change your thoughts and actions about what you want. 

Daily God helps me to see me for me.  He reveals those things I still need to die to and those things that are my strengths that I must continue to develop and maximize.  As I go through this journey of "Purpose Development", I'm finding out that when I thought I was aggressive, I was really passive.  I've never really pushed my strengths to the max and placed a demand on my gifts, talents and expertise.  I've offered services but never sold my myself as the person who God has created me to be. But now, The SWITCH is on..........

If you spend too much time thinking about things that can be perceived as your failures, you'll never view them as "God's Successes".   Now, I'm seeing the formation of purpose through the lens of perceived failure, understanding that it was all a part of the script that is leading me into the final production stages of God's Divine Purpose for My Life.  I've never been more confident in "me" as I am right now.  Not because I'm all that, but because God has strategically positioned me as a "Dependent" woman.  Yeah, I know we babble and talk so much about being Independent and able to take care of ourselves, but many times our INDEPENDENCE keeps us from being DEPENDENT on God!  Right now, I have no other choice but to trust HIM.  I have no other choice but to listen to HIM.  I have no other choice but to obey HIM.  It's not just a song anymore, MY LIFE IS TRULY IN HIS HANDS

I want my readers to understand one thing, THERE IS NO FAILURE IN GOD! I don't care how tough, rough and disappointing things have been, THERE IS NO FAILURE IN GOD!  Yes, all of us have made bad decisions, stepped outside of God's will and moved on things just because they were good ideas.  My hands are up, I'm the first to admit that I've done just that, BUT nothing that I've done came as a surprise to God.  He said, when I'm weak, He's strong.  He said, if I repent and turn from my wicked ways then He'll hear from heaven, forgive my sin and heal my land.  He said, He came that I might have life and have it more abundantly.  He said, before I was formed in my mother's womb He knew me and His thoughts towards me were of good not evil, TO BRING ME TO MY EXPECTED END!   I just believe when He said, ALL THINGS WORK TOGETHER FOR THE GOOD FOR THOSE WHO ARE CALLED ACCORDING TO HIS PURPOSE.  Do you believe? 

I've decided to Just Believe........... I do what I know to do until God shows me or tells me what to do.  Faith without works is dead so we must keep on believing and keep on working because soon you will wake up to a brand new day, a brand new life.  Soon you will wake up and find yourself smack-dab in the middle of your purpose, living your dreams and enjoying the life that you were created to live.  Don't let your faith fail you now, just Believe!

Everyday is a new day.  I expect God to move on my behalf everyday.  I expect change everyday.  I expect a SHIFT everyday.  You have promises from God and He's not a man that he should lie or a son of man that he should repent. IF HE SPOKE IT, HE'LL BRING IT TO PASS.  Can I get an AMEN..............AMEN!


It's time to RE-UP!  Re-Discover who you are, Re-Focus your attention, Re-vise your plan, Re-position yourself and  Re-cover ALL!  


Living in Purpose,

The Purpose Coach

Monday, October 10, 2011

Undetected Pain........

I had a very crazy weekend.  My son was playing in a football game on Saturday and ended up getting hurt.  It's raining, I'm across the field in the stands looking at my son on the bench trying to figure out if he's badly hurt or just needed to sit out for a minute.  I called his name a few times trying to get his attention.  There he sat, in the rain, crying and in pain without me knowing.  I thank God that my husband showed up and walked around the field to check on him.  Well, my husband picked him up and we took him home to nurse him back to health. 

It's Monday and because my son's knee is still swollen we took him in for x-rays.  He pointed out a couple of areas where he felt pain but there was one area that the x-ray couldn't pick-up.  The doctor said that inorder for her to see the tissue area that Mal was referring to, he would need to get an MRI. The X-ray will reveal any broken bones but the MRI would show any differences in soft tissue that may exist and cause pain even though no bones are broken.

I found that interesting because many times we are hurt on this life journey and people will assume you are ok because there are no obvious signs of broken bones, but they have no idea of the painful soft tissue damage that they've caused you.  It never dawned on them that they broke your spirit, broke your heart, caused you so much disappointment and despair.  They never took out time to think about the words they spoke, the disrespectful actions they took and the obvious signs of total disregard for your feelings. 

Relationships are so fragile.  It doesn't matter the type of relationship you're in, any relationship can cause pain.  When you trust someone, look to them for support, look to them for validation, look to them for help and they view you, your situation and your feelings as insignificant and unimportant, it scars that deep tissue and causes pain that's undectectable through an x-ray. 

This is why it's so important for you to trust God and God alone.  Don't look to man because many times, even if they can, they won't.  If it will take the spotlight off of them and place it on it you, forget it!  If it will open doors of opportunity for you, forget it!  Don't depend on people to give you only what God can give you.  Don't have misplaced expectations!!   God is able and He will, but men are able and usually they won't, if it doesn't benefit them.  That's Just Man!

Don't downplay your pain.  If it hurts it hurts.  Make the proper adjustments, recognize the changes that need to be made, press play and LIVE.  If you give people that type of control over your life then they will use it to the end.  I'm sorry but I've revoked all rights and priviledges to my life, my purpose, my destiny and my dreams. The bible says to receive sound counsel and I'm all for that, but for those who want access to my life with no intentions on pushing me to do what's best for me and my family, IT'S OVER - YOUR RIGHTS HAVE BEEN REVOKED!

Know who's for you and who's trying to play you.  Life is too short to procrastinate and too long to settle!  I refuse to be 60 saying, "I wish I would have"  IT'S NOT GOING TO HAPPEN!

Sometimes healing takes a while, but always know it won't always hurt this bad! 

Live Life on Purpose

The Purpose Coach

Divine Appointment Virtual Assistance & Concierge Service
A Team of Experts Committed to Helping You in Your Business When You Need it Most!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

I Really Don't Want To, BUT....

Have you ever had one of those days where you just don't feel like doing anything?  I have a million things to do today but I just don't feel like doing any of them.  From the urgent matters to the minor things, I know what needs to be done but I REALLY DON'T WANT TO!

It dawned on me that this happens so often as you endeavor to fulfill your dreams and really live life the way God intended for you to live it.  Sometimes you just get tired and don't feel like doing anything else.  I know, I've been there too.  You get tired of working towards something that feels like it gets further and further away, the harder you strive to reach it.  You get tired of listening to rhetoric and people telling you what you should and shouldn't do.  Everybody seems to have an opinion, an idea or a suggestion about your life.  You just want to run and hide, pull the covers over your head and scream! 

But, seriously, it's at this point we must recognize the plan of the enemy.  The devil is very crafty and cunning.  He's slick in his attempts to make you think that the way you feel is normal, human, a part of life and so on.  Yeah, all of that sounds cute but his ultimate goal is to still, kill and destroy.  He doesn't want you to feel like doing anything.  He wants you to get tired, weary and slothful.  He knows that if he keeps tugging at your thoughts, you will eventually become what you think.  If you think, "do nothing", you'll do nothing.  If you think, "I'm tired", you'll be tired.  If this last for too long, you'll lose your passion and desire for success, for purpose, for life.  So, today I REALLY DON'T WANT TO, BUT.........I'm getting my butt up and doing those things that I know to do.  I can't expect God to move on my behalf when I'm not willing to fight against my flesh and pursue purpose even when I don't feel like it.   There is no "time-off" when it comes to the will of God.  The important thing is: knowing when it's God's will and when it's your will......knowing when it's God's will and when it's the will of man.   There are two powerful people that can distract you, get you off track and cause you to miss God: YOU and MAN.  

There's such a burning desire in you to live your dream.  You think about it daily.  You dream about your dreams and think about your thoughts.  You know there's more, you know you heard God, but you really don't want to..........BUT, today I bind and rebuke the spirit of laziness, weariness, doubt, unbelief and distraction.  Let nothing come between you and your dream, you and God's will, you and your divine purpose.  There is one thing that you once you lose it you can never get it back, TIME.  You don't have time to waste time because you never know when God has divinely orchestrated a specific day or time, to release you into your purpose.  You could miss a divine connection because you just didn't feel like going to that meeting, training or event.  You could miss a divine opportunity because you didn't feel like answering your phone, text or email.  Every opportunity is an opportunity for God to move.  Don't Miss Your Moment!  Yeah, I know you really don't want to, but today you have to!

Build yourself up in your most Holy faith.  Keep positive words of affirmation and encouragement before you daily.  Keep the Word of God in your thoughts and on your lips.  Find your a Circle of Life or Master Mind Group.  Get connected with like-minded, like-spirited, passionate people.  Life was meant to live it so whether you feel like it or not, Just Do It!

Have a blessed, powerful and purpose-filled day in God!

I'm THE PURPOSE COACH and I approve this message!

A Vision Party Coming Soon!  I'm looking forward to empowering you to see past what you see and see what you see.  (you'll get that tomorrow) smile

Monday, October 3, 2011

It's a New Season!

Cool air and palm trees blowing in the wind, the clear sign of a change in seasons. The shift from a hot, scorching Summer, to a beautiful, breezy Fall, takes you from being irritable to peaceful.  It's amazing how God created the seasons to change at specific times, knowing when enough of one has come and it's time for change.

This is the last quarter of 2011.  This is the "beginning" of the "end" of the year.  It's the season to bring completion to some things, in order to start other things.  It's the season to evaluate where you are, where you're going and what changes need to be made, in order to get there.  As you begin to prepare for the new, it's so important to make sure you've dealt with the old.  The bible says, And no one puts new wine into old wineskins. If he does, the wine will burst the skins—and the wine is destroyed, and so are the skins. But new wine is for fresh wineskins.” (Mark 2:22)  You can't shift into something new carrying "old" mindset, "old" habits, "old" relationships, "old" baggage, "old" frustrations, "old" hurts and "old" pain.  The "old" hinders your ability to maximize the "new".  When God is trying to breath something fresh inside of you, fresh dreams, fresh vision, fresh relationships, fresh sense of worth and value, you will suffocate and die, if you don't allow your passage of HOPE to be renewed and open to receive the "NEW".  It's a new Season, but are you ready for it?  Are you ready for CHANGE?

This is the last quarter of the 2011 game of life.  Whatever adjustments need to be made, make them now.  The time clock is ticking and your opponent, DEFEAT is working hard to waive his hand in victory.  DEFEAT is waiting for that final buzzard to go off and declare that he stopped your dreams, hindered your purpose and destroyed your hope.  Are you going to give him this win or are you going to rise-up and declare war?  You already know his strategies, he has no new plans, no new tactics, he runs the same plays year after year, month after month, week after week and day after day.  It's your opportunity to take the ball and run.  You have a special weapon that your opponent doesn't have.  You have a teammate who: knows all things, sees all things, created all things and owns all things.  All you have to do is follow His lead and He'll lead you to a VICTORY!  Will you dare to trust Him, Believe Him, follow Him?  God is giving you divine instructions, listen and obey.  This one belongs to you, TAKE IT!

Do yourself a favor this evening.  Take a stroll down the street, around the lake or at the park. Spend some time observing the change in the atmosphere and getting a fresh perspective on God's purpose for your life.  It's a New Season, It's a New Day, A Fresh Anointing is Coming Your Way!

Don't end the year like it started.  Life is about progress, moving forward and living everyday better than the last.  Truly, IT'S A NEW SEASON!

The Purpose Coach